Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Weekly Update 5


This week I was allowed to sit in on MSP testing. It was an interesting experience! I keep trying to compare the MSP to my experience with the WASL, but the differences are much more apparent than the similarities.

Similarities: It is a high stakes and stressful test for the students.

Differences: Most of the tests are taken online and are graded by computer. The students are restricted to a character count on short and in depth responses.  Students also have longer overall testing time, the WASL was a max of two weeks before the schedule returned to normal and MSP is basically the while month of May.

Something that makes me think differently about teaching:

Does the MSP really benefit the students? I don't see it. I would like to see how these test benefit the student instead of how it effects the teaching.

A Practice that I wish to Adopt!!!!

I want to be able to showcase my students' work. Some of what they have created is amazing and they should have the opportunity to share that work and be recognized for it.

Conflicting situations:

I came across a possible bulling situation. Though nothing was concrete, it was a big eye opener for me to have to be the one that takes control to break it up and take action.


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